Everything has a beginning and an ending

We lost one of our own last week. My sister in law died after a short illness, although she had been in a wheelchair for many years.

She was in her 80s and had lead a full life so there were elements of celebration too.  But it was still a shock and we are all exhausted by the grief.

Adults having to deal with death is one thing; children dealing with it is another. Often they don’t understand what it means but they can see their parents are upset and it can be frightening.

However, as parents we can only do our best, we’re only human.  I feel some of my efforts were poor in hindsight and they always seem to linger in my memory.

It’s a harsh reality. People die, pets die. Everything has a beginning and an ending. I guess as we grow older we grow to accept it more but it doesn’t make it any easier.

The only thing I can offer is that the truth is the best answer and trying to shield children can finish up being confusing for them.

We have unfortunately experienced death in our Rogan families as well, not recently however, and this is very sad too.

While we are not qualified to offer counselling we can put you in touch with experienced people who are able to help.

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