Uno just seems so much more fun

It’s funny how things stick in your mind ie how what you remember can be so random.

When our first child was still very young I remember a woman leant towards me purposefully and told me I ‘should have socks on that child’s feet’. I was surprised at first then a bit angry. I was doing the best I could; it didn’t seem life or death that her feet were uncovered. I was sleep deprived and I shouldn’t have let it upset me, but it did.

So I’m starting this piece to say that I never want to be that woman ‘leaning purposefully’. The following anecdote is commentary, and not meant to be critical.

My partner, of too many years to mention, and I are as bad as anyone when it comes to glancing at phones and not talking to each other. Somehow at our age it doesn’t seem quite that bad! I guess it stems from work, that we pull out the phone, check the email and then can relax (or not!)

When we were dining out one evening while on holidays recently, we ordered our meals, then the phones came out, we both checked emails and from memory they disappeared after that.

As I glanced up from my phone a family with three children settled into a table nearby. I’m immediately drawn to kids, I can’t help it. I just love having a quick glance at the excitement on their faces. I instantly had a memory of Uno cards coming out, colouring in and story books, activities while hungry children waited for food to arrive at the table.

On the table next door, out come the iPads and head phones and it’s eyes down for all three children. Each to her/his own. I don’t know the personal circumstances of that family. That well may have been the right activity at the right time.

Uno just seems so much more fun to me.

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