FAQ for nannies

Do I pay to register with Rogan Family Care?

There is no fee to register as a Rogan Family Care nanny.

How long will it take to get a job?

We have a variety of positions on offer at all times. Not all of our nanny positions reach our website or employment platforms.

How do I get paid?

If you are a Rogan Agency nanny you will be paid fortnightly direct into your bank account. Taxation and superannuation will also be paid by Rogan Family Care.

Will I be paid for annual leave and sick days? Is superannuation and WorkCover provided?

Benefits vary. Salary and conditions will be clarified when you receive the position specifications.

What are the advantages of registering with Rogan Family Care as opposed to any other agency?

Rogan Family Care

  • values nannies and the long term relationship we have with them
  • provides ongoing support and training to all nannies
  • provides WorkCover, nanny insurance and legally binding contracts
  • meets all requirements of the Fair Work Australia Act
  • keeps track of your annual leave and sick leave for you
  • are always available to talk on the phone about any questions you have.

What makes Rogan Family Care Australia’s ‘premier’ nanny agency?

  • Our nannies implement the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care
  • They have extensive professional experience
  • Rogan nannies receive ongoing professional development and in service days
  • We also support nannies with onsite home visits
  • There are ongoing communications through newsletters, Facebook, Pinterest and social events
  • We meet all legal and insurance obligations
  • We leave no stone unturned in the candidate screening process
  • We have a 24 hour a day phone number
  • Our business is run both ethically and professionally and our staff members abide by the RCSA Code for Professional Conduct
  • We always speak in a friendly and courteous manner and never lose patience
  • We always reply to your needs promptly.